Thursday, July 8, 2010

Natural Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

A fast metabolism is critical to burning fat and managing body weight.
You can use some safe and natural methods to speed up your metabolism.
(by LIVESTRONG.COM, on Wed May 26, 2010 1:03pm PDT)

Gain Muscle
  • Think of your muscles as your body's engine. The bigger your engine, the more energy you can burn.

Keep Hydrated
  • Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  • Water is responsible for several metabolic processes, including digestion, waste management and temperature regulation.
  • You can fight hunger as well as raise your metabolism by drinking a glass before each meal.
  • To provide an extra boost, make sure your water is ice cold. Your body burns extra calories heating it up to room temperature.

Cardiovascular Exercise
  • Cardiovascular exercises such as walking, jogging and cycling are all effective ways to burn calories and keep your metabolism stoked.

  • The caffeine naturally present in coffee raises metabolism and can improve fat oxidation.
  • Drinking a cup before exercise can also improve alertness and help fight fatigue.

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